Helena Business Association Elects New Board Members

The April 4 meeting of the Helena Business Association was very well attended thanks in large part to the success of the inaugural Helena Business Expo. Many new businesses joined the HBA as a result of their participation at the Expo and it was great to see so many of them at the April meeting.  April is always a very important meeting for the HBA because this is when new board members are elected. The nominees were given a chance to speak to the members about why they wanted to serve on the board. The members voted and at the end of the meeting the results were revealed.

The new board members of the HBA are as follows:

  • Adam Windsor – will serve as President
  • Andy Healy – will serve as Vice-President
  • Johnny Carcioppolo – will serve as Secretary
  • Rodney Parker – will continue to serve as Treasurer

The new board members thank the outgoing President, John Burch and Vice-President, Kristi Scozzaro for all they have done for the businesses of Helena during their term. John and Kristi have done an outstanding serving on the board and leave some very big shoes to fill. Both are still very active in the HBA and have been meeting with the new board members to make sure there is a smooth transition. As outgoing President, John Burch will continue to serve the HBA in the Past President role for the next year. Although Kristi is probably ready for a well-deserved rest, she has already said she could be counted on to help wherever necessary.

The mission of the HBA is three-fold. To provide educational opportunities for our members. To provide a networking environment for Helena businesses to share their success, solve problems, and promote their business to the local business climate. To be an advocate for the business and interact with the city government on business related issues

The new board members are committed to fulfilling this mission but sincerely hope they can count on the members to help them do this. Members can help by participating in the monthly meetings and volunteering to help plan and execute the many activities the HBA sponsors. If you own a business in Helena and have not joined the HBA yet, now is a great time to do so. Let the HBA help promote your business and take advantage of the many networking and learning opportunities available to members. You won’t regret it!

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